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In this issue
PDF Icon Small Health Reform and the Private Insurance Market
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) aims to implement significant changes to the insurance industry, while simultaneously allowing those satisfied with their health plans to maintain their current coverage. The ACA grants these health plans �Grandfathered� status, exempting them from certain required changes to be implemented under healthcare reform. (Read more...)

PDF Icon Small Health Reform and the Private Insurance Market
The federal crackdown on Medicare Fraud and Abuse has intensified in 2010, with millions of dollars returned to the Medicare fund in November for hospital-physician payment arrangements that were found legally impermissible under Fraud and Abuse laws. (Read more...)

PDF Icon Health Reform and the Private Insurance Market
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) aims to implement significant changes to the insurance industry, while simultaneously allowing those satisfied with their health plans to maintain their current coverage. The ACA grants these health plans �Grandfathered� status, exempting them from certain required changes to be implemented under healthcare reform. (Read more...)

PDF Icon Health Reform and the Private Insurance Market
Controversy surrounding the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), a panel of 29 physicians who recommend to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) changes to relative value units, appears to be on the rise, with critics of the RUC citing the level of impartiality and the extent to which CMS�s relies on their recommendations. (Read more...)

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