Provider Supply Series
Part III of IV
Government agencies, physicians, associations, and policy writers have long attempted to understand and make predictions regarding the supply of, and demand for, the U.S. healthcare workforce. HC Topics' four-part Provider Supply Series will address the history of provider regulation and its relation to the impending shortage of physician providers given looming demand. The first article in the series introduced the Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee (GMENAC) report, published in 1980, recommending that medical school enrollment should be limited to prevent a surplus of providers. The third article in the series examines the failure of governmental policies to meaningfully address the perceived shortage; and, consider present day concerns about the physician workforce
Provider Supply Series-Part III-The Primary Care Deficit: Is It Too Late to Fix?
In response to a perceived physician shortage, especially in primary care, the government, trade associations, and industry stakeholders are advocate for a solution. The third article in HC Topics Provider Supply Series will address the continuation of the 1990s physician shortage; examine the failure of governmental policies to meaningfully address the perceived shortage; and, consider present day concerns about the physician workforce. (Read more...)
SCOTUS Upholds Healthcare Law: What Happens Next
On June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) upheld most of the 2010 ACA in a five to four ruling. Although the anticipation of the Court's decision is gone, there is still a considerable level of concern as to the impact of the ACA's implementation and a continued question as to whether the ACA will remain as it currently stands. (Read more...)
Preventative Care: What Is An Ounce Really Worth?
Preventive care, often touted by policymakers as superior to medical treatment in achieving cost savings, has come under fire in recent years for its contribution to the ongoing rise in healthcare spending and its often negligible effect on improving patients' health. As various members of the industry seek to clarify preventive care's proper role in healthcare patients and providers are left to maintain the status quo, which often means over-utilization of these services with minimal improvement in health. (Read more...)
Individual Insurance Under Healthcare Reform: A Boon For Policyholders
A recent study of health insurance coverage under individual insurance plans indicates that more generous insurance coverage is associated with a lower risk of high out-of-pocket spending, and that the probability of very high out-of-pocket spending is expected to be reduced for everyone who purchases insurance through a health insurance exchange mandated under the ACA. As such, in 2014 consumers may look forward to improved plan options and lower out-of-pocket costs. (Read more...)