


Glossary of Healthcare Terms

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Walk-In Clinics

Centers which provide treatment of non-acute illnesses and conditions after hours and on weekends.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The cost of capital (discount rate) determined by the weighted average, at market value, of the cost of all financing sources in the business enterprise

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

A blend of the cost of an enterprise’s various capital components, including the cost of debt capital and the cost of equity capital of the enterprise, representing the expected return demanded by the blend of both debt and equity investors in the subject entity and the capital
cost to the entity for financing future projects.

Wellness Programs

Wellness programs are plans offered to employees by employers that encourage healthier living habits, such as weight loss initiatives and assistance in quitting smoking.

Wound Treatment Centers

Facilities which treat chronic wounds; may be freestanding or affiliated with a hospital or health system.
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