Certificate of Need Consulting

Over the years, Health Capital Consultants (HCC) has been active in Certificate of Need (CON) matters in numerous states, including assisting clients in the preparation of applications for facilities, equipment, and services. HCC's services related to CON projects might include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • CON application preparation, such as:
    • Assistance through the CON agency application process;
    • Technical assistance to legal counsel;
    • Financial projections, pro-forma reports and budgets;
    • Development of business plans and feasibility studies; and,
    • Solicitation of letters of support;
  • Industry research;
  • Utilization Demand and “Need” forecasting;
  • Economic & demographic analyses and trends reports;
  • Reviews of, and recommendations regarding, service lines, payor mix, and revenue yield from available reimbursement scenarios;
  • Capital formation and structure analysis;
  • Provider manpower needs surveys and community benefit analyses;
  • Provider compensation and income distribution plans;
  • Testifying before pertinent committees and/or boards regarding the proposed project; and,
  • Coordination with legal and accounting counsel in achieving project goals.

HCC has also provided valuation opinions as to the Fair Market Value of CONs, licenses, and other regulatory permissions, and has served healthcare provider clients and their legal counsel in an advisory capacity in assessing the feasibility of projects requiring CON approval.

HCC’s qualified, certified experts and accredited professionals in the healthcare financial and economic arena are supported by an experienced research support staff to maintain a thorough and extensive knowledge of specific healthcare service sectors and overall healthcare environment, including one of the most significant collections of CON related research studies, books, journals, and analyses nationwide.

In addition, HCC has provided independent expert testimony in multiple contested CON cases, achieving success both for clients contesting CONs, where CON applications have been successfully challenged and denied, and for clients defending their CON applications, where CON contests have been successfully defeated.

HCC has also been engaged by state agencies to independently review CON applications on behalf of the agency and make recommendations to the appropriate council or committee as to whether the application should be granted or denied.

HCC's book entitled, “The U.S. Healthcare Certificate of Need Sourcebook” published by Beard Books, is considered to be the most comprehensive work of its kind related to CON. HCC’s CON related research has been published in peer-reviewed settings and presented at conferences nationwide.