Glossary of Healthcare Terms

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Also referred to as "rehabilitation physicians," are experts at diagnosing and treating pain.

Physical Therapists (PTs)

PTs provide rehabilitative services intended to aid in the recuperation of functionality and mobility, the remediation of pain, and the maintenance of restored strength to minimize or eliminate any permanent effects of a patient

Physician Assistants (PAs)

PAs are licensed health professionals who practice medicine under the supervision of physicians, surgeons, or both.

Physician Compensation Plan

A way of allocating an organization's revenues and expenses while determining appropriate methods of compensating professionals for the services they provide.

Physician Extender

A very broad term also commonly referred to as "mid-level provider," "mid-level practitioner" and "non-physician practitioner" includes many mid-level providers, paraprofessionals, and allied health professionals (as defined in this book) who provide healthcare services under the supervision of a qualified physician.

Physician Hospital Organization (PHO)

Organizations that unite a hospital, or group of hospitals, and a physician organization through a contractual relationship for the purpose of contracting with managed care organizations.

Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) Model

A legal entity formed by a hospital and a group of physicians that combines both parties into a single organization for the purpose of gaining greater negotiating leverage in obtaining managed care contracts.

Physician Hospital Organizations

An enterprise that unites a hospital or group of hospitals with a physician organization through a contractual relationship.

Physician Investor-Owned MSOs

MSOs are formed and governed by physicians.

Physician Practice Management Companies

Firms that specialize in the management of large group practices or IPAs through ownership, management agreement, or both.

Physician Practices Management Company (PPMC)

Organizations that unite a hospital, or group of hospitals, and a physician organization through a contractual relationship for the purpose of contracting with managed care organizations.

Physician Preference Items (PPI)

Expensive medical devices, such as orthopedic implants, heart valves, bone products, balloons, and wires.

Physician-Owned Facilities

Healthcare entities in which their practicing physicians also have ownership investment in the facility, supplementing professional income with revenue from facility services. Many physician-owned facilities include limited-service facilities, such as surgical and specialty hospitals.


A term used to describe various kinds of medical therapy, including hydrotherapy, massage, mechanotherapy, electrotherapy, and heat therapy.

Picture Archives and Communications Systems (PACS)

Used to connect digital x-rays and other imaging modalities. Has become a must for efficient imaging services, as it provides improved access to images with reduced delays.
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